5 Hair Care Tips for Men
Hair play essential role in men grooming as it needs to be maintained & cared accordingly for its longevity. We all have seen that men tends to loss hair earlier than women. The reason behind this is simple which is lack of knowledge & expert guidance.
The cause behind loss of hair in men at early age is not only because of lack of knowledge but also carelessness by most of us. Everyone has their own expectations with their hair, some wants thickness, others need smooth & silky, few prefer curly. All the demands can only meet if person able to seek right barber for guidance. Apart of hair Men should also focus on how they smell. Now, you can visit allaviolettaboutique.com for any type of perfumes.
Most men make common mistakes that is, they think only hair needs to be treated right but the fact is scalp need equal attention as hair do. Now, questions that arise in mind how to care? What products to use? How to set it right?.
This article i hope put full stop on half of your doubts related to hair, here look at 5 hair care tips for men recommended from experts of the field :-
1. Egg wash
I know it may sounds funnier to most of you but give your head a egg wash once in a month. One of the cheapest and easier to perform advice i have ever received from any old aunt of mine or expert is “egg wash”. Egg is very healthy for hair as it provide protein that make hair stronger.
2. Less is better
One of the most common mistakes that man make when it comes to hair styling is that they use too much product for styling. Sometime it is pretty much okay to use products when you are going at some party or event But on a regular basis it’s not good for hair. try to go natural as much as you can once you get used to it, the more you will start liking it.
3. Do shampoo to dry hair to remove wax
you like hair wax too much but find difficulty in removing from hair? Then the key to remove wax smoothly is shampoo. Apply shampoo in your dry hair, this will breakdown the product and clean off the hair.
4. Use conditioner
According to most of the barber and hair experts men make a mistake of not using conditioner on a day of washing. In addition to it, over-washing also harm hair as it make them dryer. Using conditioner tends to heal this problem by turning hair into smoother and healthier. Wash your hair only once or twice per week.
5. Don’t comb hair over
Don’t comb hair over and over again as this make hair quite much weaker. If you are facing hair fall then keep hair short. The best way to look good at the same time wants to draw less attention towards thinner areas then, keep the hair shorter from side and longer on top. This is already in trend as well as solve the problem easily.
The above tips are essential to keep hair healthier and stronger. These simple tips can help men to meet hair-styling requirements easily.
Key tip : be in touch with your barber or hair stylist to explore more about what type of hair you have and what product will suite them best. professional advice is always essential, Not to look good only but for staying healthy too